Charming by Elliott James & Valhalla Coffee Valkyrie Blend
Charming is a cleverly written Urban Fantasy following John Charming as he meets a not quite (or at all, really, since I’m pretty sure she could bench press him without breaking a sweat) damsel in distress and reluctantly joins her ragtag group of monster hunters to take out a hive of vampires.
Promises by Marie Sexton & Boyer Coffee Rocky Mtn. Thunder
Being the only gay man in Coda, Colorado (outside of the 60+ year old band teacher at the high school), Jared is lonely when it comes to romance and friendship, although he does have a great and supportive family. Enter Matt, new to town and lonely as well.
Crimson Night by Marie Hall & World Market Red Velvet Coffee
The real strengths of this book come from the characters and the story. You have to really get involved and get to know both before the book really takes off.